Obama holdovers aim to eliminate coal at TVA

Taxpayer-owned Tennessee Valley Authority was built on hydropower, nuclear and a large component of coal, and is one of the great industrial success stories in our history. Born in the Depression, expanded in World War II to make provide electricity for aluminum manufacturing, and then expanded again in the 70s to meet regional electric needs independent of OPEC and high oil prices, TVA accomplished all this with large amounts of coal. Now the siren song of “forever low” natural gas prices and the incorrect notion that renewables can substitute for coal, has TVA continuing down the path started in the Obama years of shutting in coal. On the website TVA says other sources of electricity generation are “cleaner” than coal, meaning no CO2 emissions. Wrong, TVA. CO2 is not a pollutant. Moreover, President Obama and the radical environmental left is no longer running Washington. Listen to the American people, protect your customers and preserve coal. Don’t forget to tell TVA to keep burning coal — the public comment period ends December 19.

Source: Platts

Paris burns again in protest of the carbon tax

President Macron shows the stubborn face of the anti-CO2 agenda and the consequences of government imposition of higher costs for energy in the pointless context of an attempt to eliminate fossil fuels. US electric utilities anticipate a carbon tax will eventually be imposed in the US and so they believe they are immunizing themselves by getting out of coal as soon as possible. BURN MORE COAL is fighting against both.

Source: Daily Mail

BURN MORE COAL co-founder one of a ‘small but influential set’ Trump has been listening to

Axios reports that President Trump’s views on climate have been shaped over the years by a “small but influential set or organizations and people,” including BURN MORE COAL co-founder Steve Milloy, CEI’s Myron Ebell, Murray Energy’s Bob Murray, the Heartland Institute and Sen. Jim Inhofe. Axios, of course, means this as a slam. Not only do we disagree, but we are proud to have played a role in shaping President Trump’s views on climate and coal. Going forward, BURN MORE COAL is the tip of the pro-coal spear.

Source: Axios.com Web | PDF

President Trump reaffirms decision to withdraw from Paris climate agreement at G-20

Below is the statement from the G-20 communique. All the other G-20 leaders reaffirmed their “commitments” to Paris. So President Trump is the only honest G-20 leader since, virtue signaling aside, none of the others is actually doing anything to reduce global emissions.

Source: G20.org Web | PDF

Why we started BURN MORE COAL

We support President Trump’s campaign promise to bring back coal. While inaction at EPA is frustrating, the more significant concern is that coal-burning utilities have announced voluntary coal plant retirements far in excess of those contemplated by Obama’s Clean Power Plan. The coal industry’s hands are tied when it comes to their customer utilities. Ours, however, are not. Check out our mission. Then, support BURN MORE COAL.

Source: Axios.com Web | PDF