Solidarity for burning more coal

The Solidarity-Heartland Institute statement adds that “neither organisation opposes the goal of clean air nor supports the elimination of coal from the world’s energy portfolio” and calls on “an end to the war on science and scientists by powerful state-backed forces”.

Sources: 1. Web | PDF; 2. Solidarity-Heartland Statement Web | PDF

China building coal here, there, everywhere

“A quarter of coal plants in the planning stage or under construction outside China are backed by Chinese state-owned financial institutions and corporations, according to research by IEEFA, an energy finance think-tank based in Cleveland, Ohio. Remove India from the picture, and the share of coal development supported by China rises to above a third.” What do US utilities imagine they are accomplishing?

Source AFP Web | PDF

Report: Strong growth in global CO2 emissions expected for 2018

“What is driving the rise? This year’s rising emission figures are largely due to solid growth in coal use, but coal still remains below its historical high in 2013. Coal use may soon exceed this 2013 peak if current growth continues.”

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