WINNING: EPA science advisory panel trashes draft EPA PM2.5 assessment as non-scientific, incomplete

PM2.5 junk science was instrumental to the Obama administration’s destruction of the coal industry. But that junk science will no longer fly at the EPA… thanks in large part to the work of BURN MORE COAL co-founder Steve Milloy. In a draft letter posted last week, the EPA’s Clean Air Act Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) trashes the Clinton-Bush-Obama era PM2.5 junk science.

Read the draft letter.

For historical background on the PM2.5 saga and PM2.5 science reality, read “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA.”

DC Circuit hands EPA big science win

A huge win for all of us… thanks to eight years of advocacy by BURN MORE COAL co-founder Steve Milloy. If you read Milloy’s book, “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA,” then you already know that corrupt Obama EPA science advisory boards royally screwed the coal industry. Milloy began spotlighting and advocating on this issue in 2011, finally getting it in front of former EPA administrator Scott Pruitt. Pruitt made the rule change. And today, the DC Circuit upheld it. Fantastic.

Continue reading DC Circuit hands EPA big science win

Manchin wobbly on Wheeler — Betraying West Virginia coal (again)

Sen. Joe Manchin’s mercury (MATS) rule excuse is lame. The rule accomplished nothing except to advance the (mostly illegal) Obama agenda — killing the coal industry & making electricity more expensive. Then again, Manchin never did do anything for coal during the Obama years. Here’s how dumb the MATS rule was.

Source: EENews.net (Subscription)

Coal vs. Utilities at EPA

A recent story by Bloomberg’s Jennifer Dloughy spotlights the struggle between coal and the utilities at EPA on the upcoming redo of the MATS rule. We correct and comment on the article as needed. It’s time for the coal industry to pay attention so the utilities don’t get the best of it again.

Continue reading Coal vs. Utilities at EPA

BURN MORE COAL in the news…on Trump EPA proposal to end the Obama new coal ban

Perspective from BURN MORE COAL co-founder Fred Palmer on the skepticism surrounding yesterday’s proposal to end the new coal plant ban. Bottom line: The game for coal is now at the utility level — and that’s where BURN MORE COAL is playing. 

Source: EEnews.net Web ($$) | PDF

EPA proposes to end ban on new coal plants

If finalized, new coal plants will just need to have best available emissions technology, not the imaginary — as well as physically, financially and politically impossible — utility scale carbon capture and sequestration technology that the Obama EPA set as a barrier to new coal plant construction in the US. And as the trade press noted, BURN MORE COAL was there in the front row!

Source EPA media release Web | PDF | EPA rulemaking web site