CMS Energy

BURN MORE COAL files shareholder proposal with CMS Energy

CMS Energy has announced its intention to exit coal and boasts about cutting CO2 emissions. We want CMS Energy to explain to shareholders how these plans will be a benefit to anyone or anything. It’s terrific that CMS Energy believes it is “uniquely qualified to provide the strong leadership needed to protect our planet.” But we’d like the details.

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Consumers Energy: We’re getting out of coal, saving the planet by powering 100 homes with roof-top solar/battery storage

100 homes. 1,800 panels. A 500- kilowatt battery. Only 6.7 million customers to go. Won’t accomplish anything except to raise prices, threaten reliability and (the most important) to virtue signal on behalf of the CEO and Sen. Debbie Stabenow.

Source: CMS Energy Web | PDF