India importing, burning more coal to increase steel production

And you can’t do that with windmills and solar panels. This further underscores the futility of US electric utilities abandoning coal to no end other than more expensive electricity. Wait until they hear from us at their shareholder meetings! We need your support to get there. Donate now!

Source: Financial Express Web | PDF

First official sponsor of UN climate conference in Poland is… a coal company!

Poland’s Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa is Europe’s largest coking coal producer. Today it announced: “Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, became the first official partner of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP24).” JSW’s climate “solution” is to plant trees… which will benefit from all the CO2 emitted from burning the coal mined. Perfect.

Source: JSW media release Web | PDF

Washington Post falsely attacks President Trump on National Climate Assessment

From today’s print edition of the Washington Post. Note highlighted text. The National Climate Assessment’s so-called “findings” were not those of the Trump administration. Not only was the National Climate Assessment produced by President Obama’s administration and Deep State alarmists, it was drafted before President Trump became President. The Fake News media will say anything to undermine President Trump’s pro-coal agenda. Support BURN MORE COAL’s fight for coal and reality.

What’s melting? The G20 Commitment to the Paris Climate Hoax

The draft G20 statement recognizes the reality that there are 1,200 coal plants being built around the world and that oil/gas production is hitting new records. Only US electric utility managements are pushing the la-la-land of no coal.

Continue reading What’s melting? The G20 Commitment to the Paris Climate Hoax