Happy New Year: NYTimes’ Paul Krugman calls for the end of 53,000 coal jobs

And, by implication, and end to the hundreds of thousands of jobs that support the 53,000 direct coal industry employees. Take a look at the image of the Green New Dealers, below. Would you leave you livelihood, career, future, family, community — anything — to the mercy of idiots like them? We know what we’re doing. How about you?

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Exelon asks SEC for permission to kill BURN MORE COAL shareholder proposal

Like Duke Energy did today and afraid its anti-coal misrepresentations will be exposed to shareholders and the public, Exelon has officially requested permission from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to exclude from its 2019 proxy statement the shareholder proposal requesting a greenwashing audit recently submitted by BURN MORE COAL. Stay tuned for our response and the ultimate SEC decision!