What is the coal industry’s response to the future face of climate hysteria in Congress?

Many Democrats seek to destroy the coal/natural gas-based electric power system based on agenda-driven, highly speculative fear of a climate apocalypse caused by humans using fossil fuel to live their lives. Coal is on the firing line now with few in the utility industry defending the use of coal long term. Too many regulated electric utilities are outright opponents of future coal with plans to completely remove coal plants. Among other motives is short-term financial gain while completely disregarding the well-being of the rate payers and the long-term financial health of their enterprise. Stop coal plant retirements now before US electricity supply becomes permanently scarce and expensive.

Source: The Indepedent (UK) Web | PDF

Case study: UK demonstrates folly of abandoning coal

UK quits coal, but needs baseload to avoid blackouts. So the government subsidizes coal and gas plant operators remain online. But the rentseeking electricity rationing industry objects. An EU court intervenes. What a mess. US utilities, grid operators and utility commissions are walking straight into messes like this by mindlessly abandoning coal.

Source: Reuters Web | PDF