Why Japan finds coal hard to quit

Regardless of its participation in the Paris climate accord, Japan stands firm on challenges to new coal plants and the US should too. As stated in the article, Japan does so because coal power is “cheap and more economical with scale”. Notice there is no claim made that wind and solar is cheaper — as US utilities closing in coal dishonestly claim to advance their no coal agenda.

Continue reading Why Japan finds coal hard to quit

More Work for BURN MORE COAL at the State Level

“Seven governor’s races flipped blue: Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas, New Mexico and Nevada… The most aggressive renewable energy mandate proposed was by Gov. elect Jared Polis of Colorado, who is pushing his state to commit to 100% renewable energy by 2040 — a goal that would surpass Hawaii and California’s 100% mandate by five years.” Support our pushback!

Source: UtilityDive.com Web | PDF

China’s monopoly on rare earths make it the new OPEC

It took us 40 years to break OPEC’s death grip on our oil supply. We saved ourselves in part by building more coal plants to reduce oil-burning for electricity. Now wind/solar advocates and rentseekers want to give that power to Communist China. We say: Burn more coal!

Source: EurActiv.org Web | PDF

Utilities vs. Coal at EPA

The irony: “This rule really doesn’t reflect what is going on in the electric sector.” This is because many utilities have announced much deeper coal cuts than required by the Clean Power Plan. But announcements are not done deals. We need your support to prevent the announcements from becoming done deals.

Continue reading Utilities vs. Coal at EPA