New Mexico regulators approve PNM virtue signaling plan to ditch coal by 2031

The total coal shutdown imagined by Public Service Co. New Mexico’s IRP will never be implemented. BURN MORE COAL will fight this plant by plant as each shutdown will still need to be individually approved.

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Paper: IPCC 1.5C report rightly rejected by President Trump at UN climate conference

Led by President Trump, the recent UN climate conference rejected endorsing the recent IPCC report fantasizing about the alleged horrors-to-come of a 1.5C increase in global temperature. University College Dublin Meteorology Professor Ray Bates explains why the rejection was scientifically correct in a new report, “Deficiencies: In the IPCC’s Special Report on 1.5 Degrees,” from the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

Source. Web | PDF

The three ironies of German renewables ‘beating’ coal in 2018

Assuming for the sake of argument that German wind/solar output really did outpace coal in 2018, there are three key ironies: 1) German emissions are NOT decreasing; 2) Warmer temperatures reduced the need for coal; and 3) the key sentence in this report is: “Pressure on the government to tame the cost of the energy shift is rising.”

Source: Bloomberg Web | German Green Power Likely Beat Coal Output for the First Time – BloombergPDF

New York Times explains why climate is an elitist cause the poor will never sign up for

The CO2 tax on fuel that set off the yellow jacket protests was regressive — i.e., the poorer you are the worse it would be. One of BURN MORE COAL’s tasks to educate US ratepayers and taxpayers about the regressive and punitive nature of the CO2 tax US utilities are voluntarily and stealthily putting on electricity use.

Source New York Times Web | PDF

‘Green New Deal’: Ignorance is bliss

A Tom Steyer-funded survey from Yale University climate alarmists reports that the Green New Deal has ‘strong bipartisan support’ among voters. Too bad that 82% of those surveyed admit they know nothing about it. Only 14% know “a little” about it. So that’s 96% that know little-to-nothing about the Green New Deal.

Continue reading ‘Green New Deal’: Ignorance is bliss

BURN MORE COAL in the news…

NIPSCO’s plan will cost shareholders and customers alike, says Fred Palmer, managing director of and a Heartland Institute senior fellow. “NIPSCO’s proposal to replace all coal-fired generation within 10 years with higher-cost renewables comes without a legitimate business or environmental reason to take this action,” said Palmer. “Customers will be punished, and shareholder wealth will be squandered as NIPSCO’s plan, with its new high-price rate structure, drives manufacturing overseas to China-led Asia, where new coal plants are being built and existing low-cost coal generation is booming.”

Source Web | PDF

Despite climate lip service, South Korea bringing more coal plants online

“Looking ahead, South Korea’s LNG demand growth for power generation is expected to hover around 1 percent in 2019, down from nearly 20 percent this year, robbed of room to grow as more coal and nuclear power plants are still coming online despite the plans for a long-term shift in policy.”

Source: Reuters Web | PDF