Illinois Gov. Pritzker Joins U.S. Climate Alliance, Becomes 18th Governor to Uphold the Paris Climate Agreement

“Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) signed an executive order yesterday to join the U.S. Climate Alliance, bringing one of America’s largest coal producing states and carbon emitters into a coalition dedicated to upholding the terms of the Paris climate accord… What Pritzker intends to do to meet the emission targets called for under the Paris Agreement is less clear. Yesterday’s announcement was largely symbolic… Exelon Corp. operates six nuclear plants in the state, including two that receive state subsidies to stave off closure. The Chicago-based company said it supported Pritzker’s climate aims but did not comment on his 100 percent renewable pledge.”

Source: ($$$)

Coal isn’t dead. China proves it.

“Responsible for 46% of global production and 51% of global demand, China’s coal reliance is not falling nearly as fast as some like to claim… China quietly has 210,000 MW of new coal capacity in the works, or nearly a 25% expansion… China actually now accounts for 45% of the coal-based electricity generated in the world, compared to 37% back in 2010.”

Source: Forbes Web | PDF

Coal to biomass fuel switching?

Biomass is much less efficient than coal — meaning more CO2 will be produced for the amount of power generated. Climate alarmism makes people lose their minds. Also: “The government also plans to reduce France’s dependence on nuclear power which accounts for over 75 percent of French electricity needs, while boosting the development of greener energies. French power grid operator RTE, has warned that the plan to shut down some coal and nuclear generators, could leave France, a net exporter of electricity in Europe, largely dependent on neighbors during peak demand periods, particularly in winter.” Nukes have zero emissions. Freezing-via-blackout will really put the yellow vests into orbit.

Source: Reuters Web | PDF

Consumers Energy: We’re getting out of coal, saving the planet by powering 100 homes with roof-top solar/battery storage

100 homes. 1,800 panels. A 500- kilowatt battery. Only 6.7 million customers to go. Won’t accomplish anything except to raise prices, threaten reliability and (the most important) to virtue signal on behalf of the CEO and Sen. Debbie Stabenow.

Source: CMS Energy Web | PDF