Voters reject Republican Congressman who introduced CO2 tax bill

Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida — who co-founded the Climate Solutions Caucus and introduced a CO2 tax bill — lost. Maybe it was Curbelo’s desire to pointlessly raise electricity costs. Maybe voters rejected his appeasement strategy. Maybe both. Maybe neither. Either way, energy price-raising climate alarmism is not a winning political strategy.


Duke Energy brings expensive gas plant online… so it can shutter two inexpensive coal plants

The levelized cost of electricity from existing coal plants is about $39.90/MWh. The levelized cost for a new combined cycle gas plant is $55.5o/MWh. Duke Energy defames coal so its customers can pay more for electricity while getting no benefits in return. With gas demand increasing, these costs are only going up over the long-term. It’s some expensive virtue-signaling from Duke management.

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