AES announces plan to slash coal 80% by 2030

The AES plan is summarized in the graph, below. AES states, “Actual results could differ materially from those projected in our forward-looking statements due to risks, uncertainties and other factors.” BURN MORE COAL will count as a “factor.”

Sources: 1. AES Media Release Web | PDF; 2. AES Climate Report Web | PDF

UN: Global electricity demand to increase 50% by 2040

The world will need all the affordable and reliable fuel for electricity generation it can lay its hands on. That means burning a lot more coal on a global basis. This is one reason why we are asking Duke Energy management what it thinks it is accomplishing by shuttering Duke’s 14 coal plants.

Source: Web | PDF

UN report exposes foolishness of US utilities abandoning coal

Global coal use — as well as that of oil and gas — is projected to increase to 2040, according to the UN International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2018. Electric utilities that voluntarily abandon coal in hopes of reducing CO2 emissions are accomplishing zero — other than making electricity more expensive. BURN MORE COAL will be taking this reality to utility managements and exposing their misrepresentations and poor judgment.

Source: Web | PDF

BURN MORE COAL files first shareholder proposal

We are asking Duke Energy to perform a Greenwashing Audit. Though existing coal plants are dramatically less expensive than any form of new electricity generation, Duke is planning to shutter its 14 coal plants — even as 1,600 others are being built around the world. China, alone, is adding coal capacity worth the entire US coal fleet. What benefit is Duke producing to anyone or anything by shuttering its coal plants? Is any claimed benefit real or is it greenwashing? Shareholders want to know!

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