Entergy caves to greens; Agrees to shutter largest coal plants in Arkansas

But it’s a long time until 2027. Game not over yet. As part of the settlement, Entergy must ask regulators for approval of 619 MW of renewable power generation. The Sierra Club complaint is here.

The 1,659-MW White Bluff Steam Electric Station in Redfield, Arkansas.

Continue reading Entergy caves to greens; Agrees to shutter largest coal plants in Arkansas

Virginia officials slam mandated offshore wind project as an expensive boondoggle

“The State Corporation Commission concluded in a scathing 20-page order on Friday that the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project isn’t needed to serve Dominion customers and will cost more than any other option for generating electricity to serve the utility’s 2.6 million customers.” Save money and the seagulls… burn more coal!

Source: Richmond.com Web | PDF