Report: Global CO2 emissions up despite US utilities shuttering coal

Just a few points from the media release: 1) “Energy demand is rising around the world.”; 2) “China is jump-starting coal projects that were on hold”; and 3) “In the United States, emissions of carbon dioxide are projected to increase 2.5 percent in 2018 after a decade of declines. Culprits for the increase include unusual weather – a cold winter in Eastern states and a warm summer across much of the nation ramped up energy needs for seasonal heating and cooling – as well as a growing appetite for oil in the face of low gas prices.” So US utilities shutting coal are accomplishing nothing except making electricity pointlessly more expensive.

The media release is below.

Continue reading Report: Global CO2 emissions up despite US utilities shuttering coal

Virtue Signaling: Xcel Energy CEO announces goal of zero CO2 emissions by 2050

A goal without a purpose. The world is building 1,200 new coal plants that will be operating in 2050. The technology to meet a zero-emissions goal does not exist. Xcel Energy CEO Ben Fowke won’t be CEO in 2050. But… virtue signaling.

Sources: 1. AP Web | PDF 2. Xcel Media release Web | PDF

EPA to propose dumping CCS mandate for new coal plants

Fantastic. The EPA Science Advisory Board had objected to the CCS mandate as not-ready-for-prime-time. But the darn-the-facts Obama EPA ignored its own hand-picked SAB’s advice in order to rush through the rule that essentially banned new coal plants. President Trump is now rolling that back. Does this mean utilities will be building new coal plants? Not yet. It will take BURN MORE COAL to make that happen.

Source: New York Times Web | PDF

The Global Carbon Tax Revolt

“A carbon tax is in theory a more efficient way than regulation to reduce carbon emissions. But after decades of global conferences, forests of reports, dire television documentaries, celebrity appeals, school-curriculum overhauls and media bludgeoning, voters don’t believe that climate change justifies policies that would raise their cost of living and hurt the economy.”

Source: Wall Street Journal Web | PDF

Does President Trump have a yellow vest?

A yellow vest (gilet jaune) is the symbol of the carbon tax uprising that seems to be defeating French President Macron’s plans for a carbon tax. Frustrated at home, Macron is looking to impose a carbon tax on US exports to France, if not the entire EU. Our entire stack is pushed in on President Trump telling Macron to take a hike.

‘Good cop’ Democrats also coming for a coal plant near you

While Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Green New Deal (see below) come for coal with a Rebel yell, the New Democrat Coalition will apparently take a more genial approach. Don’t be fooled by this good cop-bad cop approach. The targets are the same — coal plants and affordable/reliable electricity near you.

Source: Web (Subscription required)

Ocasio-Cortez, ‘Green New Deal’ coming for a coal (and gas) plant near you

“Front and center is an ambitious resolution Democratic Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has floated on her website. Among the asks: a shift to 100 percent renewables, construction of a national “smart grid,” a federal jobs program with a minimum wage of $15 per hour and deep decarbonization across the entire economy.”

Source: Web (Subscription)