Collection of economist fossils urge carbon tax on fossil fuels

No one who knows anything about the climate debate and has a functioning brain supports a carbon tax. Even if you have fallen for the climate alarmist hoax, simple math shows a US carbon tax will accomplish Z-E-R-O. Whatever mojo Volker had in the 1980s is long gone. The three-headed Greenspan-Bernanke-Yellen monster, which never had any mojo to start with, combined to wreck the economy and irrevocably destroy (for the foreseeable future, anyway) the time value of money. Who could possibly care what they have to say? Note Exelon and ExxonMobil are behind this carbon tax nonsense. BURN MORE COAL has shareholder proposals sitting with both.

Source: Bloomberg Web | PDF

Ice loss from Antarctica has sextupled since the 1970s? So what.

“An alarming study shows massive East Antarctic ice sheet already is a significant contributor to sea-level rise,” reports the Washington Post. Even if the increase in annual ice loss is as claimed (now at 252 billion tons year), that is only about 0.00095% change per year. Considering all the uncertainties and guesswork involved, where’s the fire?

Sources 1. Washington Post Web | PDF 2. Web | PDF