Germany rejects CO2 pricing in treaty with France

Why the world wants to hamstring the US economy with CO2 pricing: “In Germany, observers remarked that a minimum carbon price would put the French power sector at an advantage. Indeed, French nuclear plants ensure electricity production there is light on carbon emissions while the German electricity sector is still dominated by CO2-heavy coal and natural gas.”

Source: Web | PDF

Proposed New York coal plant closures raises power prices 30%

“New York’s plan to put the state’s last coal-fired power plants out of business hasn’t even been approved yet and electricity is already trading like they’re shut. The price of power in 2021 in New York City and other regions surged more than 30 percent beginning in May. The only major difference between then and now: a pending state rule to limit power-plant emissions that was designed to eliminate coal-burning power plants by the end of 2020.”

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Carbon rentseekers and corporate virtue signalers sponsor carbon tax advocacy by prominent economists

A group of prominent economists (i.e., former Federal Reserve heads, Treasury secretaries and Nobel Prize-winning economists) call for a carbon tax in today Wall Street Journal — aka Fossils Against Fossil Fuels. Anyway, check out the group of corporate rentseekers and virtue signalers that funded this effort.

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Manchin wobbly on Wheeler — Betraying West Virginia coal (again)

Sen. Joe Manchin’s mercury (MATS) rule excuse is lame. The rule accomplished nothing except to advance the (mostly illegal) Obama agenda — killing the coal industry & making electricity more expensive. Then again, Manchin never did do anything for coal during the Obama years. Here’s how dumb the MATS rule was.

Source: (Subscription)

UK can’t afford new Japanese nukes to replace coal/old nukes — so going for cheap Chinese nukes

What could go wrong? What sane government would risk its national security by allowing the Communist Chinese to build unnecessarily expensive nuke plants, rather than sticking with affordable and reliable coal?

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