WINNING… BURN MORE COAL defeats Duke Energy, Exelon at SEC; Shareholder proposals for greenwashing audit to be voted on at annual meeting

BURN MORE COAL wins the right to talk greenwashing, coal, climate at the annual shareholder meetings of Duke Energy and Exelon, and to have shareholders vote on our Greenwashing Audit proposals. YUGE.

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WINNING: EPA science advisory panel trashes draft EPA PM2.5 assessment as non-scientific, incomplete

PM2.5 junk science was instrumental to the Obama administration’s destruction of the coal industry. But that junk science will no longer fly at the EPA… thanks in large part to the work of BURN MORE COAL co-founder Steve Milloy. In a draft letter posted last week, the EPA’s Clean Air Act Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) trashes the Clinton-Bush-Obama era PM2.5 junk science.

Read the draft letter.

For historical background on the PM2.5 saga and PM2.5 science reality, read “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA.”

Battery trickery by U.S. utilities

The use of big batteries to partially offset the intermittency of renewables is growing rapidly. Unfortunately some utilities have adopted a deceptive practice with the public, making these battery packs seem much more important then they are. It is all part of hyping the utility’s supposed greenness, which helps their stock price but not their customers.

Source: Web | PDF

New Hampshire to keep burning coal for foreseeable future

“Mostly we are running in the winter season, when natural gas prices are very high. Our units become more economically viable for the grid because of high natural gas prices.” Nevertheless, “Environmental groups are not giving up the fight for coal-free power in the six-state region.”

Source: New Hampshire Union Leader Web | PDF

Busted: No climate impact from Trump policies

A new report from anti-Trump state AGs projects that Trump climate policies will increase emissions by 200 million tons per year by 2025. But as the UN just reported, manmade emissions are now at about 53.5 BILLION tons per year (and rising). If you do the (simple) math, Trump policies are project to increase global emissions by a mere 0.37% — about one-third of a percent. Even if you have fallen for climate hysteria, simple math and common sense shows that Trump policies are climatically insignificant.

Source: Reuters Web | PDF