Climate alarmism is a lie. Green energy is a fraud. And the coal industry is doing… what… to keep its customers?
Source: E&E News ($)
Climate alarmism is a lie. Green energy is a fraud. And the coal industry is doing… what… to keep its customers?
Source: E&E News ($)
In a front-page Washington Post article today, AEP CEO Nick Akins explains the BS causing him to burn less coal.
Continue reading AEP CEO Nick Akins: Shutting down coal based on lies and fantasy
“Although China promised under its commitment to the Paris Agreement to ‘peak’ emissions around 2030, to decrease carbon dioxide emissions per unit of economic output and to use more green energy, China’s greenhouse gas emissions increased by 1.7% in 2017 and are projected to grow by 4.7% in 2018. With green energy an abject failure in terms of meeting China’s need for either energy or clean air, all that’s left is propaganda.”
Great for plants and life on Earth. Bad news for utilities pretending they are ‘combatting climate change’ by exiting coal. “Coal-fired electricity generation accounted for 30% of global CO2 emissions. The majority of that generation is found today in Asia, where average plants are only 12 years old, decades younger than their average economic lifetime of around 40 years.”