Who will pay for CCS? Easy. No one.

Carbon capture and storage is a dumb idea. On a utility scale, it is physically, financially and politically impossible. Anyway, who would want to deprive plants of all that plant food? Below is an Investor’s Business Daily op-ed by BURN MORE COAL co-founder Steve Milloy that lays out the case against CCS. By the way, the white stuff coming out of the stacks in the Reuters photo (below) is water vapor — a much more important greenhouse gas that no one is thinking of burying.

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What happens when coal doesn’t give in

Look at that big pile of beautiful clean coal. Piles like that will soon be on the way from the Adani mine in Australia to India… bringing the wonder of life-giving electricity. Here’s the key to burning more coal in the face of mindless green opposition: “Adani and the state and federal governments do not seem likely to give in.” BURN MORE COAL is not “giving in.” Are you?

Source: New York Times Web | PDF

WashDC City Council commits to paying more for the same amount and type of electricity

Fortunately for the residents of Washington, DC, city council owns no coal plant to shut. And fortunately for Congress, the coal plant within view of the House Office buildings will continue to run. Unfortunately for DC residents their taxes are going up indirectly by a gratuitous act of know-nothing virtue signaling. The policy is of course consistent with the 2016 (and likely 2020) platform of the Democrat Party. Look out America!

Source: UtilityDive.com Web | PDF

If Germany wants electricity… there is no exiting coal

The Germans are somewhat more honest that US electric utilities about the prospects for exiting coal. The Germans can’t come up with a plan while US utilities have come up with fake plans that have no chance of being implemented — especially with BURN MORE COAL on the case.

Source: EurActiv.com Web | PDF

No… EU climate policies will not prevent ‘premature deaths’ in Europe

Nothing that comes out of any coal plant smokestack causes or contributes to any death in Europe or anywhere else. The scientific reality is explained in BURN MORE COAL co-founder Steve Milloy’s Amazon.com best-selling and Trump EPA policy-setting 2016 book, “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA.”

Source: EurActiv.com Web | PDF

It’s official — World ignoring Paris climate deal, says UN report

Ahead of the COP24 meeting in Poland, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) issued its “Emissions Gap Report 2018.” Highlighted below are the report’s three key points taken from the executive summary: 1) Pledged emissions cuts are inadequate; 2) Pledges are not being kept; and 3) global CO2 emissions show no signs of peaking. We call it the Paris Climate Hoax. US electric utilities that treat it otherwise will hear from BURN MORE COAL.

PARIS, FRANCE – DECEMBER 12: Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Christiana Figueres (L 2), Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon (C), Foreign Affairs Minister and President-designate of COP21 Laurent Fabius (R 2), and France’s President Francois Hollande (R) raise hands together after adoption of a historic global warming pact at the COP21 Climate Conference in Le Bourget, north of Paris, on December 12, 2015. (Photo by Arnaud BOUISSOU/COP21/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Continue reading It’s official — World ignoring Paris climate deal, says UN report