A new report from Wood MacKenzie (Web | PDF) guesstimates that fossil fuel use will decline from 90% to 85% of global energy use by 2040… but buried in the details is the reality that CO2 emissions will be on the rise as energy demand grows.

I was at first saddened to read today that the Sierra Club had successfully harassed another weak-minded coal utility CEO into the early shuttering of a 1.3 GW coal plant in Indiana. But a short while later, I could only laugh out loud.
Continue reading How dumb is the Sierra Club war on US coal?
“We can consider phasing out the federal coal program in a reasonable, thoughtful way that protects workers, guarantees mine cleanup and addresses climate change.”
Source: E&E News ($)
“As a percentage of Japan’s generation units, Japan’s gas-fired power capacity is nearly double that of coal. But utilities rely more on coal as a so-called baseload source, providing a continuous supply of electricity, while gas units are typically ramped up quickly to meet surges in demand… Coal power is expected to provide 285.7 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity in the year through March 2020, an increase of 3.3% over the previous twelve months, according to supply plans submitted by utilities and generators to the government and published by Japan’s power grid monitor.”
“Naïve-thinking, bordering on western suicide, believes China and India will stop using fossil fuels, led by coal… China is currently building hundreds of new, coal-fired power plants. To counter China, India has 589 coal-fired power plants, they are building 446 more, bringing their total to 1,036… Since the US, Russia, China and India have the largest global coal reserves, and each country is vying for geopolitical dominance, they will continue using coal in record amounts. Energy is then a geopolitical weapon. Europe does not understand this fact. Only Trump seems to have gained clarity on this issue, with the US using their newfound shale oil and natural gas power, to their geopolitical and global advantage. ”