BURN MORE COAL files shareholder proposal with Entergy

Entergy has been cutting its CO2 emissions since 2001. Feeling any cooler? Neither are we. So what exactly is Entergy accomplishing other than advancing the anti-American green agenda. BURN MORE COAL expects to get an answer to that question from Entergy CEO Leo Denault at the next shareholder meeting.

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Ocasio-Cortez tries to silence climate opponents by threatening tech companies

What totalitarians do… “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) [aka She Guevera] and Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) sent a letter to three of the nation’s biggest tech companies on Monday, decrying their sponsorship of a conference this month that promoted climate change denial.”

Source: Mother Jones Web | PDF

EIA points out absurdity of utility efforts too shutter coal

“The Annual Energy Outlook (AEO), published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, projects carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector will decrease 9% from 2017 levels by 2050, with fossil fuels continuing to dominate electricity generation. Economy-wide carbon emissions are expected to decrease 2.5%, with reductions in the power sector and transportation offset by a 16% increase in carbon emissions from industrial sources.”

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Fantasy: German energy regulator to shield power users from coal exit costs

“These costs are already rising because green energy is difficult to integrate due to its intermittent nature, causing high “re-dispatch” spending on handling shortfalls and drawing on reserve plants.” So who will pay the higher costs? Keep in mind Germans already pay among the highest prices for electricity in Europe.

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