Welcome. We love coal. Beautiful clean coal. We want electric utilities to drop their foolhardy anti-coal political correctness so they can burn more coal to power our economy, raise our standard of living, secure our nation and set an example for the rest of the world. We own stock in electric utilities so we can advocate for coal as shareholders. You can help us buy stock and support our campaign for coal. You can also help out by giving us your proxy in electric utility stock you own. Check out ABOUT, MANIFESTO, ADVOCACY and PORTFOLIO to learn more about us. Come back regularly to check out our activities and take on the latest news, posted below. Check out media stories about us.
Duke Energy pledges zero carbon emissions by 2050
“The non-binding goal was spurred largely by Duke’s increasing reliance on natural gas.” So burning natural gas has no emissions?

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Coal is the second most installed power generation over past 10 years
Yale: Why it’s premature to declare coal dead
Coal-hungry India to allow 100% foreign direct investment in coal
Indian Electricity Minister: Coal to rule for next 30 years
China burning more coal, though less as a percentage
Even if coal burning falls by whatever percent, the total amount of coal burning is likely to rise as overall energy demand will increase. “Though the share of coal in the country’s total energy mix fell to 59% last year from 68.5% in 2012, overall consumption in 2018 rose 3% from a year earlier to 3.82 billion tonnes, official data showed.”

Russia to increase coal production as much as 50% by 2035
SEC petitioned to stop climate lying by corporations
“Almost everyone can make false and misleading statements with virtual impunity, except if you are the CEO of a publicly-owned company.”

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China coal mine approvals surge despite climate pledges
“China’s energy regulator gave the go-ahead to build 141 million tonnes of new annual coal production capacity from January to June, compared to 25 million tonnes over the whole of last year… The research unit of the China State Grid Corporation last month forecast that total coal-fired capacity would peak at 1,230-1,350 gigawatts (GW), which would mean an increase of about 200-300 GW… A study published earlier this year also suggested China’s targets would allow the construction of another 290 GW of coal-fired capacity in the coming years. ”