Public health

Coal improves public health

The comment by Marxist ex-UN climate chief Christiana Figueres, below, is totally false. Check our Manifesto for how coal improves public health. As to the public health claims made by Figueres, you should know:

  1. Coal burning harms no one’s health anywhere. Decades of scientific research, including that conducted by the US EPA, prove this.
  2. Modern coal plants don’t harm air quality because they are efficient and emissions are scrubbed. They are not associated with air quality problems anywhere.
  3. Residential/industrial coal burning can contribute to aesthetic air quality problems (i.e., visbility) in places like China and India if it is inefficient, unscrubbed and concentrated.
  4. More modern coal plants in China and India would improve air quality by reducing inefficient and unscrubbed subsistence burning of fuels like coal briquettes and biomass.

BTW, Figueres also wants to depopulate the planet.

Sources: 1. Web | PDF 2. UN Climate Chief: Communism is best to fight global warming, Web | PDF 3. UN Official: We Should Make Every Effort to Depopulate the Planet, Web | PDF